
Get an overview of Medicare and coverage options from our experts. Click on the link for a listing of upcoming in-person and virtual events this spring, throughout Ohio.


On March 14, the Ohio Department of Insurance Director Judith L. French and the Ohio Senior Health Insurance Information Program (OSHIIP) will kick-off the spring Welcome to Medicare campaign. OSHIIP Medicare experts will provide an overview of Medicare, Part A and B benefits, Part D prescription drug coverage, Medicare supplement plans, Medicare Advantage plans, eligibility, enrollment, and coverage options.


CONSUMER ALERT: Ohioans on Medicare Warned of Telephone Scams

Guest column from NAMI Ohio

Guest Column from Luke Russell, Executive Director for National Alliance on Mental Illness of Ohio “The drug pricing plan put forth rehashes forced price-setting policies on selected drugs in the Medicare Part D program. Such government overreach will result in reduced access to medicine for patients and it will discourage innovation of new medicines.”

Ohio Advocates Speak Out on H.R. 3

On behalf of Ohio patients, the undersigned organizations urge our Ohio U.S. House Representatives and our U.S. Senators to not accept provisions in H.R. 3 that would implement government mandated pricing for prescription drugs in Medicare.

NAMI OH Op-ed on Mental Health and COVID

Dr. Elizabeth Bonanno, Behavioral Health Medical Director at Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield in Ohio, emphasizes the importance of seeking mental health services during the COVO-19 pandemic.